It is the policy of the QED International companies to provide a safe and healthy workplace
and high standards of occupational hygiene for all its employees; and to conduct its activities
in such a manner as to avoid any harmful effect on the environment. The companies are
committed to the following health, safety and environmental objectives:
- To set standards which ensure compliance with all relevant health, safety and
environmental regulations and legislative requirements? - To ensure that the health and safety responsibilities of senior management, line
management and supervisors are defined. - To communicate openly with all employees and other persons likely to be affected by
the operations of the company about the promotion of a safe working environment
and safe systems of work. - To inform employees of their duty to act responsibly and to take all reasonable
precautions, not only to protect themselves but others from injury, preventable illness,
loss or damage to property, which could arise from their actions. - To ensure that all employees receive adequate and suitable training to enable them to
perform their duties in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. - To encourage all employees to participate in the continuing improvement of health,
safety and environmental performance and to recognize that individual responsibility
for health and safety cannot be delegated. - To carry out assessments of new and existing operations, annual audits and regular
reviews of health and safety performance. - To minimize the production of waste by efficient use of resources, promote the
recycling of materials when waste cannot be eliminated and dispose of waste
materials in an environmentally responsible manner, thereby reducing pollution of air,
water or land to a practicable minimum. - To control safety, health and environmental hazards and nuisances, which may cause
harm or offense to the community - To monitor and review energy consumption, eliminate any unnecessary energy usage
and implement energy-efficient practices. - To seek continuous improvement in methods of identifying, assessing and controlling
health, safety and environmental hazards.